A Flock Of Birds Flying Next To The Plane, What Was The Reason? When the Pilot Realized this He Bursts Into Tears. 

Every one of us has seen planes flying toward their destinations. Similarly, we have seen the birds migrating every year in flocks. But have you ever heard of or seen birds chasing the aircraft for a long time and refusing to leave the plane alone? This sounds scary right, Jason the pilot was flying the aircraft as generally as he did every day. It was a typical day for him sitting on the plane and performing his duty all of a sudden he heard a banging sound. What was that? 

Jason looked at his co-pilot, both were searching for answers. The crew member came and gave them the bad news. Jason and his co-pilot wheezed.

Massive Flock Of Birds

Jason was puzzled about what was going on, he and his co-pilot were trying to figure out why the birds were chasing them. Jason tried to shake the birds away but it didn’t work. This aggressive flock of birds was not willing to leave the jet alone. They kept attacking and things started getting worse. 


Shaking the birds could be dangerous and it was already not working. The birds were getting aggressive. If any bird hits the engine it may cause a massive disaster. There were so many birds the crew members were trying their best to eliminate them without any loss. 

Bothered Passengers

The passengers become disturbed by this situation and they start asking questions about the situation with the crew members. Every single one on the plane was worried, annoyed, and upset. Jason tried to cheer them up by conforming that everything was perfectly normal and under control. 

Calling For  Aid 

Jason sensed the danger and called flight control for help. He was scared the birds might crash his plane. Passengers were getting out of control; they were shouting and asking for immediate help. Jason was waiting for the control room to answer. There were so many covering the windows of the plane. One could hardly watch outside and all of this was scary and alarming. Some of the passengers were crying, some were praying, sitting frozen squeezing their eyes shut. 

Flight Control

The co-pilot  Jimmy informed Jason that the flight control was not answering them. This news alerted Jason and his crew members. Shaking the birds was not a great idea now they needed to do something quick to escape these worse circumstances. They kept trying to contact the control room. The crew members were asked to help and calm the passengers. 

Difficult To Fly

The population of birds was growing very fast. Jason tries to fly high to get rid of these aggressive birds but this act could be harmful and dangerous. The passengers were terrified, and this situation pressured Jason to decide. The birds were navigating the plane downward. When Jimmy the co-pilot of Jason saw the building coming near to them he gasped out of fear. 

Hovering Above The City 

The plane was dangerously hovering above the city and they saw the buildings coming near to them. The cabin crew was trying hard to control the situation by engaging the passengers. But it wasn’t working for long. They were trying to make the passengers calm. But it is something natural that a person gets scared in such a situation. The altitude was unsafe for them to fly. Miraculously Jimmy connected with the control room and they guided him to take a turn to the countryside airport for an emergency landing. 

An Emergency Landing 

Without wasting more time Jimmy took a U-turn for an emergency landing at a small airport nearby. The rescue workers were on their way. Janson wanted to take every move very carefully without harming the passengers and the birds.  But during taking a turn they hit some of the birds which worsened the situation. The birds became more aggressive and started banging on the windows. Anyway, when they left the city, more birds were waiting for them. The crew knew it could turn into a massive disaster.  

Closer To The Engine 

Swarms of birds surrounded the airplane. They were getting closer to the engine. Jason knew this wasn’t a good sign. They could damage the machine which can cause a terrible disaster. Jason aimed to get to the strip in his sights when he heard a loud bang. 

The plane began shaking and it was hard to control it.  Unfortunately, The engine burst into flames and it was clearly visible to passengers. They were losing altitude. Passengers started screaming, everyone wanted to be safe and escape this as soon as possible. 

The Quick Decision 

Jason couldn’t wait for long. He had to make a quick decision. Jason’s heart was beating fast; their plane was falling too fast from the sky. He wanted his co-workers

 and his passengers to be safe. His decision could either save or destroy everything. The birds didn’t leave them at all. Because this was an unexpected situation and Jason wasn’t ready for it, he had to make a decision that could save them. He saw something down there. It was a lake and he sensed he could make it. Although it was their last chance to be alive and landing a plane on the water was not an easy task for them, landing on the ground could be more alarming and can crash the aircraft.   He had never done this before. 

The Water Landing 

Everyone was told to stay calm and help each other. Jason was taking the risk and was trying to fly the plane on the water for a safe landing. The plane was shattering because there was no cushioning for fall. It wasn’t a soft landing. His priority was to make sure everyone was safe. 

Suddenly he heard someone screaming. The scream was from the passengers. They were scared and screaming. He went to them and found them in distress, shock, and dread. 

Move Out Of The Aircraft 

Maintaining calmness was not easy for crew members but they did their best to control their composure. The birds were still swarming around the plane. Now it became more stressful to open the aircraft doors. The door was stuck. Jason tried his best to open it but nothing worked. They could not stay inside any longer. The plane was sinking. The crew was curious about what might happen if they opened the doors. One of the flight attendants got one exit open. It was emotionally stressful for everyone to stay calm but some passengers were in a hurry without caring for anyone. 

Coast Guard Aid

People who were rushing to jump out of the plane regretted it as the birds were attacking them.

But still, they managed to dive into the water. The plane was gradually sinking. They noticed that the birds were so aggressively coming toward the baggage room, what was inside? 

Finally, the coast guard arrived to rescue everyone. when Jason was getting out of the plane. The plane finally sank into the water. They ensured that every passenger and crew member was out of the plane before it sank into the water. Everyone was pointing to the ruin of the plane. 

Birds Circling Around

The birds were cycling around the aircraft and the people were curious to know the reason. More boats of coast guard aid were coming toward them. The birds endlessly circling around the plane make the people more frustrated to know the reason why they gathered around the plane. 

The coast guards try to investigate the situation. Jason warned them not to go near the birds. As the sailors approached the plane the birds were attacking them. That was enough to make the sailors abandon their ships in terror. It was a long swim back to the other boats, but they made it. Nobody on board was able to figure out what was on board the aircraft. 

The Attempt To Scare The Birds 

To find out what is inside the aircraft it was the first step to pull the plane out of the water and make the birds go. The heavy-duty tug ships were on the way to rescue and pull the plane out. 

All the people were rescued from the shore by the rescue team. This strategy was made to find out the reasons and save everyone from the disaster. The rescue members inform the new team about the birds and warn them to take precautions before going near them. The sky was covered with birds. It wasn’t an easy task for them to go near the birds. They knew they had to wait because of this, so they phoned for backup. This was feasible for them. 

Birds Swarm On The Crew

The birds were flying on them consistently. It seems like they are checking for something inside the plane. All this made Jason think about what could be the reason for the birds to behave like this. But they had no clue yet, the coast guards were investigating the reason behind these aggressive birds. They were trying to approach the jet but the birds were not letting them come closer. They tried so many times and this time when they approached the birds crowded the ship they were lucky to save their lives as they went inside the door. 

Order By Jason To The Coast Guards

Jason was watching all of the activity then he came up with a solution. During his studies, he learned that to chase the birds away the airport uses loud sounds or noises to scare them. The rescue members reacted quickly by blasting their speakers loudly. Then  something happened, 

The birds were scared by that loud sound and they went back to the woods. They did not stop the sound, the birds might return if it stops. This was a golden opportunity for them to pull the jet out of the water and investigate. The coast guards and the team were directing each other to pull the plane out.  Fortunately, the plan was working and they were trying hard to put the jet out. All of this was happening when the cops arrived. 

Officials Interrogating Jason 

The officers were asking questions from Jason as he was the first person to be investigated about the situation. He told them it was a routine trip and nothing like this happened to him before, the cops then started investigating the baggage. All the passengers were cooperating with them regarding their belongings. There was an exception, the cops had to pull one individual aside. This traveler was suspicious.

More Inquiries 

The man was suspicious he was avoiding every question that they asked him about his belongings. The cops started inquiring about his past and checking his criminal records. When they checked his passport, it revealed that his passport was fake. This was something really alarming to everyone. The guy was just released from prison and all his previous files were closed. 

They were collecting more data about him. Finding the connection between him with the strange bird’s behavior. The aircraft was lifted off the sea successfully. 

Strange Voice Coming From Bags  

When the birds noticed the sound was far away from them so they gathered together without any delay. The authorities noticed they were entering the baggage area.  The team diverted the birds away from the jet and managed to enter the jet, it was badly damaged and its door was locked. But with the help of equipment and tools, they opened the doors. After entering the baggage room they heard a strange noise. Those voices were coming from a bag, but which one? The rescue team was trying to find that bag, finally, they identified the bag from which voices were coming. 

Doubtful Passenger Arrested 

Everyone in the room was shocked after watching what was inside the bag. The cops checked the name on the bags which matched with the passport of that suspicious traveler. They rapidly call the authorities for the arrest of that person without any waste of time. When Jason came near the bags to see what’s inside he became horrified after discovering what was in the bag. 

Illegally Trading Of Rare Birds 

The man was arrested on the spot because he was caught red-handed smuggling the rare species of birds. Contacting further authorities they came to know that he was involved in smuggling those exotic birds without any legal documents or permission. He had been arrested before for attempting to smuggle exotic animals, and after getting free he resumed his life as it was before. Jason began to cry after watching this. 

Finally Arrested And Charged 

The man was arrested for what he had done with the innocent birds as well as putting all the crew members’ and passengers’ lives in danger. He would never be free to go again, he was charged for his actions and sentenced to reverberation that would make sure that he would not do any harm to anyone again. The passenger’s safety was also considered as a main reason to charge against him. The exotic birds were begging for aid. 

Jason was so happy after hearing the conclusion of the trial, he was thankful that his passengers and crew members were safe and alive.