Pitbull refuses to give birth and delayed her labor

There are plenty of people who love animals. they foster and rescue animals, mostly dogs.
dogs living in the shelters are waiting for persons who would love them and bring them to
their homes.

Animal lovers

Mariesa and chris are one of those couples who are dog lovers. They have an endless
love for pit bulls especially. This couple had adopted more than 10 dogs. They wanted to be aware
people about this breed so both of them decided to visit a dog shelter near them.


An animal shelter, is a place where temporary protection is given to animals from
unpleasant environments, Mainly dogs and cats.
lots of dogs and cats living in the shelter places.

pit bulls are the breed that people normally abominate
them because of their appearance. the big head
and heavy body make them look dangerous. In
the shelter where the couple visited for Awareness
purposes most of the dogs were pit bulls.

Dog parents
both of them already were proud dog parents. they wanted
to teach people not to hate them. they wanted to
tell them how adorable pit bulls really are.
their love for pits was extreme.

Something peculiar
when they entered the shelter, they were feeling
happy to visit and meet their four-legged innocent
friends. but mariesa noticed something really odd.
what was that?

Couple’s decision
in the shelter, they wanted to bring all of them
home but it was not possible .mariesa was falling
apart as she walked through the shelter.
the couple decided to adopt just one dog. although
it was definitely a tough choice.

Sad dog
mariesa observed a sad dog in the corner of the hall.
she was sitting quietly. the dog was a pit bull and mariesa
love for pit bulldogs was beyond the limits, she and
her husband chris decided to take her home.
her name was storie.

a pit bull dog was one of those dogs
living her life in the shelter home.
but what was wrong with her? why was she sad?
her body was looking abnormally heavy. they asked
the staff about storie. staff told them she was pregnant
and is not giving birth to her puppies. mariesa
could not understand the problem at first.

In Need of Aid,
the couple decided to take her home , because they
wanted to help her to give birth. chris was curious
about what was wrong, and why the dog was refusing to give birth.
they were worried that labor delays can make
the situation worst. after watching her condition
they wanted to cry. What was bothering them?

they wanted to know the purpose that why the
pit is not giving birth, and why is she delaying her labor.
both of them come to know that she was under stress,
her mental health was not allowing her to give
birth in the shelter home.

after going to the clinic the vet told them they
needed to perform an ultrasound .because it was
tough for her to diagnose what actually the matter
was, something odd was happening to the pit bull storie.
the vet told them she was not expecting six puppies,
instead, she was expecting twelve. which amazed all
of them.

the home sweet home
they took storie home, and made separate spaces
for her. mariesa wanted her to deliver her puppies
in a peaceful environment. because she was already
in stress and she wanted a place where her
puppies will be safe and loved.

mariesa decorated the room for her with some
comfortable pillows and blankets. because she
noticed that in this critical condition where
delaying labor can be dangerous for storie and
her puppies. she might lose her
babies. they wanted storie to feel protected and

good news
they did their best for storie to feel pleasant
and when they woke up in the morning, a miracle
happened. storie gave birth to her cute little
twelve puppies. the way storie was licking her
puppies was so adorable, she was licking them from
head to toe, and she was playing with them all day long.

the couple realized that the shelter homes
are not a safe and comfortable place for them
to deliver their puppies. As human beings animals
can also be in stress and they too need a place
where they feel safe and comfortable. after the
puppies were born everyone wanted to adopt them.
one by one all of the twelve puppies were
adopted by different
families and they were all happy and safe.

perfect friend

the mother’s story was strong. she gave birth to twelve
puppies and all of them were healthy.
storie found a new home and a new friend, who was willing to
take good care of her and give her attention and
love. stories was a perfect mom and a loyal
friend. She proved it when she went to her new place
and joined a new family.

people like Chris and Mariesa are the true examples
of how to love and protect animals. to take steps
for them as soon as possible.
we all need to help animals living in shelters. donate for them
foster or adopt such animals from
shelters and provide them with the place they deserve.
spreading information about these amazing animals
telling people to love and support them can improve
a lot. the most important part of this article
is that a mother whether animal or human being is
consistently worried for her little ones.
storie was in stress and wanted a place where
she can comfortably give birth to her puppies.
a friendly and peaceful environment with caring
people around her helped her to let her puppies
come out into this world which wasn’t possible without
the help of Chris and Marissa.