Horse used to hug pregnant lady – When the doctor saw the result of the ultrasound he called the police

Facts about horses:

People used to say that horses hold a strong sixth sense and feel the situation and things that humans and other animals are not able to do. They can sense emotions and sense the out-of-sight and uncover things. This is not proven, but there are some sensational horses. Like Keola, Keola is the horse who starts reacting weirdly and strangely when her landlady gets pregnant.

Jolene Jonas and Ricky:

An English lady, named “Jolene Jonas” experienced some suspicious and weird things during her pregnancy. Jolene Jonas and her husband were trying hard for Jolene’s pregnancy but every time they failed this time when Jolene found out that she is pregnant she and her husband became super happy. This was like a magic or miracle for them. They were so overpowered and full of joy. They were still amazed by this beautiful news. Everyone was happy and excited but not one member. Keola, their horse.

Suspicious acts by Keola:

As Jolene’s pregnancy continues, Keola, the horse starts acting more suspicious, weird, and strange. Keola randomly starts licking and hugging her owner’s belly. The couple, Jolene and Ricky don’t have any idea what is happening and how to react to those suspicious acts. So they start ignoring Keola’s weird acts. They don’t even notice and realized what the horse wanted and tried to tell them.

Pregnancy check-up:

When Jolene found that she is pregnant. She contacts a doctor and makes her appointment, when she met the doctor, the doctor gives her a few tests and said wait for reports. Jolene and her husband Ricky both were tense at the same time and also curious about the result of the reports. A few days later they got the reports and everything was clear. The doctor told them not to worry about anything, everything is fine and to come back in your 8th week so that I have to do an ultrasound of yours. She, Jolene came back when it was her 8th week and the doctor did her ultrasound again everything was fine and now this time doctor told Jolene to come when it’s her 25th week.

25 weeks of pregnancy:

The pregnancy was going well and Jolene was also healthy until it came the 25th week of pregnancy. Then Jolene starts complaining about her back pain. one day Jolene feels a sudden and high-level pain in her back it was so painful for Jolene. It was an extreme level of pain that she was not even able to walk. Ricky walked in a hurry to take Jolene to the hospital, it was their bad luck that they stuck in traffic. However, Ricky used his brain and called an ambulance. The ambulance arrived and they took Jolene to the hospital in a hurry and start searching for the doctor who gave her the date of an ultrasound.

The reaction of Doctor:

In this situation, Jolene was going through extreme pain and Ricky was so upset and thinking about Jolene and the baby, also it was his first time so he don’t have any experience of what to do. He was so nervous, upset, and worried at the same time and in this situation, he was walking through hospital corridors. When the doctor came with the reports of ultrasound in his hand and was shocked. In that case, he direct called the police. It was also surprising for Ricky why did the doctor call the police. He wanted to talk with the doctor that why did he do that but the doctor was not giving a single response to Ricky. Ricky became frustrated and start shouting in the hospital. It was not Ricky’s fault he was tense, worried, nervous, shocked, surprised, and also scared. In that situation, Jolene was going through extreme pain and also worried about her husband that why the doctor called the police.

When the police arrived:

Police came and go to ask for the doctor who called them. There was a little discussion between the police and the doctor, Ricky who was frustrated was standing outside of the doctor’s room and was curious that what was happening. However, the police and doctor came out from the doctor’s room and starts their investigation with Ricky, they asked so many personal questions like where Jolene and Ricky met the first time and some questions about Jolene’s pregnancy. Ricky became angry and in anger he used some harsh words with the police that he gonna regret. The police took Ricky to the police station with them. And asked those questions again but this time Ricky gave them detailed answers.

How they came to this point:

Let’s go back to Jolene and Ricky’s past. They have been together since they were 16. Like all the relationships, their relationship was also not perfect. But something always used to bother Jolene, Ricky felt this since their first date.

Ricky’s past:

Even in years of relationship. Ricky still used to be secretive about his past. His behavior started to bother Jolene. Ricky wanted to explain that he didn’t have a family but it was so hurtful to talk about. But at the same time, it was so sad that he didn’t share his past with his partner Jolene. Then Ricky said he just want to forget about all this.

 Ten years of partnership:

Jolen just has to accept the reality that Ricky is just the way he is and she can’t force him to open up because she doesn’t want to discomfort her partner. Also, she has to be careful to talk about his past because maybe this should affect their relationship. Also in ten years of a relationship, she didn’t see any bad habits and a wrong activity in Ricky. Both know everything about each other and also loved so they decided to start a happy life and get married. Jolene was excited and curious to meet Ricky’s family members. But no member of Ricky’s family came to the wedding .

Trying for pregnancy:

After marriage like every couple, they also wanted a baby to complete their family. They tried but every time they get disappointed after months of tries they decided to go to see a doctor and get some help. The doctor gives them some tests to do and told them to come back after a few days so that he can give them the results. that was so shocking for Jolene. Ricky just invited his friends and Jolene was disappointed. Jolene accepts the reality that she never gonna get a chance to meet Ricky’s family. However, the wedding continued and they started their married life.

Good news on the way:

As the doctor said there is nothing to worry about. The doctor admitted that everything is perfectly fine and also you both are healthy and there is nothing that stops you from make a baby. As time passes, a week later Jolene became pregnant. Everyone was so happy and excited. But not everyone there was one family member who was not happy.

Changes in Keolas’s behavior:

Keola started hugging Jolene aggressively whenever he saw her tummy. The couple was so confused that why their horse is acting so weird. They took their horse to the vet that maybe there is something wrong with Keola. But there was nothing wrong with their horse and he was totally fine. Day by day Keola was getting weirder and more suspicious. Jolene was worried about Keola’s behavior she start searching on Google about her horse-changing behavior. When she gets to know about koalas behavior. She became scared. She didn’t discuss this with her husband. And starts ignoring everything.

Results of Google research:

According to Google research, that means there is a problem with her baby. Jolene was scared but she don’t want to scare her husband with this Google research. She was scared and don’t have any idea what to do so she decided to go to her mother. Her mother told her that this is not alone for her baby but also for Ricky’s so the decision she makes should be theirs not only joined. So she decided to talk with her husband about this situation.

Discussion with Ricky:

Finally, Jolene discussed this situation with her husband and they both decided to visit the doctor again. This time Jolene was 18th weeks pregnant, doctor did the checkup and told her there is nothing to worry about. Also admitted coming when it’s your 25th week of pregnancy so that I can do a new ultrasound. Also calms Jolene that she and her baby both are healthy and fine but don’t take the stress. Jolene and Ricky start thinking that maybe there is nothing but they are overreacting.

Extreme back pain:

It was Jolene’s 23rd week of pregnancy. She starts complaining about her back pain. When its almost her 24th week of pregnancy her condition was extremely bad her back pain level was so high. Even she admitted that she felt like she is giving birth. This was a panicky situation for Ricky. In a hurry, she took Jolene to the hospital. But this was a bad day for this couple so they were stuck in traffic. But then Ricky got the idea to call the ambulance. And they finally took Jolene to the hospital. The doctor in a hurry did the ultrasound but when the doctor saw the results of the ultrasound he was shocked and told the unexpected sentence. “call the police” This sentence shocked Jolene and Ricky.

Why did the doctor involve the police:

Of course, the couple was surprised. Why the doctor is involving the police? What was in the reports? Why the doctor is saying nothing to us? The couple became angry, they were not able to control their emotions. Just a few moments later the police arrived at the hospital. And they wanted to ask some questions.


Starting the questions was easy. Like, where they are from? What’s their relation? Some questions to understand the well. But something starts happening weirdly when they want to know about the pregnancy. They also asked where the couple were in the last few weeks. And where they stayed? It was just a weird situation for them Ricky became so angry, for asking this kind of personal question.

The explosion from Ricky:

 During the investigation, Ricky told something that he regretted. Of course, Ricky was mentally upset so he told the police “Go and do your work, and don’t disturb us leave us alone please”. But the police reaction was not polite they took Ricky with them to the station for more questions. Of course, Ricky doesn’t wanna leave her pregnant wife alone at the hospital. But he has no other option. Her wife was also stressed and was in extreme pain. This was so tough for this couple. At this moment the doctor said something really scary to Jolene and she became sad upset and frustrated.

Accept or refuse the surgery:

The doctor told Jolene that they have to do the surgery for the safety of the baby. She has a choice to agree or refuse the surgery. This situation was so traumatizing for Jolene. She didn’t even come out from the trauma of her husband the police took her husband with them. But she didn’t take too much time for the decision she agreed to surgery. Because her baby’s safety is her priority.

Ricky in the police station:

When they took Jolene to the surgery room Ricky was in the police station. The police asked so many personal questions. At the moment nothing was happening but just Ricky becoming angry. He just wanted to be with her wife as soon as possible so he patiently answered the questions. The police finally explained a little bit to Ricky about the whole situation.

Five criminals:

The police took Ricky to recognize the face he know. And it was so surprising for Ricky that he knew one face. It was their doctor whom they always go for an ultrasound. Ricky was so confused that what is happening, then the police starts explaining the whole situation.

Illegal medical chip:

The doctor puts a medical chip inside Jolene which is registered by the name of Ricky. This chip is used for pregnant ladies they put it on their tummy so that whenever the woman needs any kinda medication this chip will provide it. But this chip was declared illegal in the united states.

Back to the hospital:

The police solved the situation and Ricky wanted to go back to the hospital to see her wife. The police dropped Ricky to the hospital. But he didn’t see her wife, only his doctor. The doctor told Ricky that they are doing his wife’s surgery. Ricky still doesn’t know whether their baby was okay or not.

It’s all good:

A few moments later, the doctor came to Ricky and told him that his wife and baby both are safe. And the chip is out from her tummy and the back pain was due to this chip. All is good. Now come back 15 weeks later for your delivery.

The happy ending:

After 15 weeks, Jolene gave birth to their daughter, named Guilia. Also, this couple now has an exciting and adventurous story to tell their daughter in the future. This was the lesson for the couple that now they never doubt the bodements of Keola. However, Keola proved that he is a special and unique horse. in the end, they all lived happily.