How sick and dying plants in your home could negatively affect your mood

A study from the English royal horticultural society has found having dead and dying plants in your home affects mental health issues. It can also increase your stress.

healthy plants in your room oxygenate your space and absorb carbon dioxide. healthy plants can also make your mood good and fresh but having a dead plant can depress you

Taking care of plants is very important as we take care of ourselves because having healthy plants can help us to make a good indoor environment. They can feel good to touch and fragrant to the eyes, watering the plants and changing or cleaning the soil is key to getting fresh and healthy plants. however some people think that overwatering can bring freshness to the plants but it is wrong, it can cause harm to them and because of overwatering the plants can die.

We can also use healthy plants to decorate homes or offices. Surrounding ourselves with greenery calmed us down and energetic. there comes a question of how to take care of our plants indoors. well, it’s simple and easy you have to check the roots and cut the dying stem and leaves. put the flower pot in a place where the plants can get proper sunlight.


Featuring brown color plants could increase feelings of sadness or depression.

Green plants improve mood and reduce stress.

Bright color plants and flowers can help to elevate your mood and make you feel relaxed

Red plants can energize your mood

Blue plants can be Calming

Yellow plants can be uplifting

Purples plants can be soothing

Pink plants can be romantic like roses, carnations, and tulips.

White plants can be peaceful

Orange plants can be invigorating

Black plants can be dramatic

Silver plants can be elegant

How sick plants can affect your Health

If the plant is infected with the pathogen the virus or bacteria could spread to humans and cause illness. Sick plants can also affect your skin and cause allergies problem. fresh plants make you forget about your worries and you start enjoying the moment not thinking about the problems and negativities, on the other side if you visit any place where sick and dying plants are showcased you’ll definitely feel upset and down.

sick and dying plants can also produce harmful chemicals that can also cause problems if ingested or touched. The research found that sick and dying plants should be removed from your homes and workplaces to avoid the negative impact.

How to choose a plant

Research has shown that choosing house plant appearance is very important.

Plants that we find interesting and attractive give us the biggest well-being boost and they will bring a healthy feeling to the indoor environment. And if you enjoy gardening and planting indoors the main reason that your plants are fresh and healthy is you are taking good care of them.

How to protect plants from dying

We can choose plants that are suitable to our climate and make sure they are getting enough water and sunlight and we can also check out diseases and pests and remove any damage and dead leaves. it is also important that we are planting them at the right time of year additionally we can use organic fertilizers to protect them from dying and promote healthy growth. as well as we can read proper guidelines about taking care of our plants.