Difficult to rescue the baby from the bear’s grip– the ranger became heavy-hearted, why?

Peter and the Bear:

It was a normal day. The weather was good. Peter was in the forest. He feels like something is moving. Then he saw the movement of bushes. It felt like maybe there was a big animal. Now he knew that he needs to be careful. He had some information and reports from this area. So, he knew this area is full of predators. Peter was scared but at the same time, he was brave. He decided to see if there is any bear he is looking for. Then something distracted him. He saw the bear. A black bear. Peter became surprised. Not because he saw the black bear but because the bear was holding a baby. Not a baby bear but a human baby. Peter moved a little. He never watched this before in his whole life. He wants to know about the baby that the baby is fine or not. But there was a big problem. The bear.

Confused peter:

Peter decided to reach the baby carefully. There were so many questions in Peter’s head also he wants to save the baby but was scared of the bear. He doesn’t even have an idea that what the baby doing in the forest. And why Bear took the baby? Also, what the bear is going to do with the baby? He doesn’t have to waste time anymore. Also, he had to be alert and careful. He was thinking, what if the bear becomes wild? If this happened, then what should I do? Also, this is not good for the baby? What if the baby got hurt? Now Peter had only one choice he should handle this matter all by himself.

Reaching the bear:

Peter carefully starts reaching the bear from behind. Peter was noticing the bear, the bear just put the baby so carefully on the ground. Now Peter needs to be so careful and have the opportunity to rescue the baby. Peter knew that it could be so dangerous if he made one wrong move. However, Peter made his first move, and suddenly Bear moved and saw Peter.

Bear saw Peter:

The bear moved. But, Peter thought that the bear didn’t notice him. But then he noticed changes in bears’ behavior. He felt like the bear is turning into a monster. He felt blood in the bear’s eyes. Peter felt like his heart is gonna burst. He never felt fear like that before.

Harsh eye contact with a bear:

Peter just saw the eyes of the bear and the eye contact from the bear was so aggressive. Peter was a ranger. As a ranger, Peter knows how to deal with this situation. He knows that he won’t have to make any instant moves this could be dangerous. He knows that it’s time to become a statue. Peter’s one wrong move should be the end of his life.

Bears reaction:

The bear came closer to the baby. Instead of attacking Peter. He carefully grabbed the baby. He took the baby and ran away deeper into the forest. Peter was surprised. He wants to follow the bear but he was too late and the bear was too fast. Now he was so confused about what to do. He only got one choice he had to inform his fellow rangers and prepare a plan to rescue the baby.

Not trusting Peter:

But there was one issue. Peter told the whole story to the rangers but they didn’t believe Peter and started saying stuff like u need therapy and you were daydreaming, this was not funny, don’t make jokes. Peter became hopeless but he had a strong mindset which don’t allows him to give up. He tried to explain that he saw the bear with the baby. Now the situation became a little bit difficult everything was in Peter’s hands so he decided to solve this matter by himself.

Involvement of police:                                                                         

Now there was only one hope for Peter.   

He decided to call the police. His fellow rangers told Peter to leave this matter. And also admitted that there is something wrong with Peter. It was just an illusion. They all thought that Peter is mad and insane and seeing fictional things. But Peter wants to prove his point and also rescue the baby. So he ignored them. And called the police. He started explaining to the police what was the whole matter and what he saw. The police trusted Peter and came with all security and facilities and officers who were available.

Police arrived:

Within a few minutes, the first available officers came with the rescue team and available tools. And admitted that more assistance is also on the way. They took his situation very seriously. When Peter’s boss gets to know that the police are here. He told the police to come to his office first. And when they came out of his office their behavior changed they neglected Peter and start walking toward Forrest.

Angry police officers:

The other team also arrived at the scene. They came to Peter and told him to be connected with them for more information. When the first team came they were so aggressive and angry. Peter didn’t know what was wrong with them and why they are angry. He knew that his boss told something to them that’s why they are reacting like that. His boss told him to wait until the other team came and they ask Peter some more questions. Peter was so confused he didn’t expect this behavior from police officers. A few minutes later the other team was there. Peter was surprised and was surely told that they didn’t search the whole forest. How can they come in a few minutes? Peter knew that there is something wrong. However, he get the answers when the police officers came to the office.

Peter and the police:

The police officers arrived and started questioning Peter. They asked Peter about the bear he saw and the baby. Other rangers were pretty sure that Peter is sick or something. But Peter was sure that what he saw was real and explained it perfectly. The police told Peter they are leaving in a few minutes. Also, they told Peter that this was not funny. Now Peter didn’t find any hope and also he was hurt by police officers behavior.

Poor peter:

Peter was disallowed to come into the office, Peter’s boss still wanted to talk to him. He was really sad and frustrated the reason for his depression was the whole situation. Peter was not able to control his emotions anymore and he started crying. he was hopeless. Still, he was worried about the baby and requested his boss to look for the baby.

Peter lost his job:

But this was not enough there was something else that surprised Peter more. Peter was suspended. And now he was not one of the rangers. His boss also admitted that maybe Peter you are thinking that we don’t support you. Peter’s fellow and the boss truly know that something bad gonna happen to Peter. They thought it was the trauma of Peter’s life that he saw such fictional things.


All his fellows force him to go to the doctor and take treatment. Peter a few times ago lost his baby maybe that was the reason. And also this was the reason why no one was trusting Peter. All his fellow thought maybe Peter is not out of this trauma so that he saw his lost baby with a bear. Peter explained to them that he saw the bear holding baby but no one trusted him.

Alone peter:

Now Peter was left alone. He decided to do it alone because his priority was the safety of the baby. He wondered how he handled this and if it was right to go alone in the forest knowing there are so many wild animals. Also, Peter was not allowed to go into the forest. But this doesn’t bother Peter a little bit. There was just one thing on his mind and that was the safety of the baby. Her wife tried to stop him but she knows she is going to fail. Because once Peter decided to do the task he never gonna quit.

Peter in the forest:

However, Peter started his journey toward the forest. Peter was curious to find out the truth. Peter decided to go into the forest early in the morning because this was the only time no one notice him. So he started his journey rainforest without any difficulties.

Peter and his best friend

Peter decided to convince one person. So he goes to Jakob his best friend. His best friend felt sorry for Peter after listening to the whole story. However, Jakob doesn’t wanna join this journey with Peter. Also, how did he be able to say no to his best friend? He was so confused. After that Peter became emotional. And Jakob melted he agreed to go with Peter. Because Jakob had never seen Peter in this condition before. He was afraid that peterPeterld hurt himself. But it was a dangerous decision too. So he sacrificed his decision for his friend.

Way to the forest:

When they are going into the forest. Peter was just talking about the bear and the baby. Jakob was sure that Peter is insane. But when they came to the point where Peter saw the bear before. Jakob found something. Jackob found some tracks in the distance. He was surprised by what he found. Also, he heard that in this area there are bears. But this was not just normal. Now Jackob starts trusting Peter that he saw the bear but he was not sure about the baby.

2 friends and the bear:

At this time Jakob was also in peters line. They both knew that they have to pay their whole attention here. One wrong move and they’re gone. And if the bear has a human baby then don’t know what’s gonna happen next. Jakob found some more tracks and they both started to follow the tracks.

Jakob losted his way:

Jakob was following the tracks and he lost his way. However, he met Peter but there were no more tracks it felt like magic they don’t even have an idea where the bear should go. Peter was also surprised and told Jakob how this can be possible. And suddenly they heard a roaring sound they don’t know where the sound is coming from. Jakob was so scared because this was too close. Peter knew that the bear smelled them. Peter was curious that he starts following the sound but Jakob don’t let him.

In danger:

Peter was now sure that they are in danger. Peter looked into Jakob’s eyes. He was so scared. He told Peter to get help from their ranger fellows but Peter disagreed. Peter told Jakob that I was begging for help that time when I needed but now I don’t need them. Jakob was so scared that he wants to go back but now he didn’t. they then felt something coming towards them. Jakob told Peter that he doesn’t wanna continue this anymore he was so scared. Peter was not expecting this from his best friend.

Peter forces his friend:

Peter tried to force Jakob that he should be close to him so that they should be stronger and have fewer chances to attack. And if the bear found them they have one to get his attention and distracted him. Jakob was forced and he is with Peter now. The situation was too dangerous. There was not an option for them now they have to handle this situation very carefully.

They found the cave:

They saw the cave of course this was not a normal cave. This was obvious that this is a bear’s cave. Peter wanted to go to the cave. And he started taking steps carefully toward the cave. Peter entered the cave then he suddenly stopped and was shocked. Peter saw the bear and was so scared. Jakob now agreed that Peter was right. Jakob was even more scared than Peter. They both don’t know what to do. Jakob was so uncomfortable. Now they felt regretted.

Found the baby:

They saw the bear but not the baby. Jakob told Peter to go back to the ranger camp. But Peter was sure there is a baby. Also, he wants to prove them wrong. Jakob then told him okay fine let me call them they will help us but Peter refused. Suddenly they listen a cry of a baby. And it felt like a human baby is crying. Now Jakob was sure that Peter was not wrong.

Bears reaction:

When the baby started crying bear ran to the noise. A few minutes later the bear came out from the cave and no more noise of crying was coming. Peter and Jakob were surprised. Peter was now sure that the baby is inside the cave. but something became wrong with Jakob the bear started coming toward Jakob. This was a really disturbing situation for Jakob. Jakob doesn’t know what to do. He started running back. Peter told Jakob to stop running and reacting this is the time to become a statue. But Jakob was so scared. The bear started running toward Jakob. The bear now started fastly chasing Jakob. Peter tried to catch Bear’s attention but Bear was too busy to chase Jakob. Jakob had only one choice he should leave this place as soon as possible. If he is not able to do this then he has to say goodbye to his life.

Jakob slipped:

Jakob was running so fast. Then he heard the roaring of the bear. It was his bad luck that he slipped. Jakob made an instant move and get back to his feet. He saw here and there and found a tree to climb. Bear tried to get Jakob but was not able to climb the tree. Jakob was safe now. But now it was peters turn.

Save the baby:

Peter was alone. Jakob was screaming that the bear is coming back. But Peter didn’t care he entered the cave he just wanted to save the baby. It was so dark inside the cave. then he heard a noise and start following the noise. When he reached there he was surprised. He saw the baby. And the baby was safe and healthy. Peter felt so relaxed and proud. He holds the baby. Then he realized he don’t have to waste time.

Escape from the cave:

He hears the noise of a bear and felt like a bear is coming towards him. Peter saw the bear coming toward the cave. suddenly the baby starts crying Peter tried to calm the baby but he became failed. Peter was still holding the baby. And the bear becomes calm to approach Peter.

Rangers coming:

Peter felt like a bear sleeping. Also, he hears a lot of noises. He knew that this was the ranger team. They rescue the baby and Peter safely but this was not enough. They took the baby to the hospital. And don’t know where the parents were. However, the baby was healthy they also did a DNA test of the baby to find the parents. Peter was not slept for 24 hours to get news. But this news was unexpected. It was a sad news. Peter’s wife also came to the hospital.

Peter becomes emotional:

The doctor informed Peter that the baby is safe and healthy as well also not harmed. The bear took care of the baby. Then the doctor told something that Peter can’t control his tears. The news was that the parents of the baby has died in a car accident and were found in the forest. They also don’t know about the baby’s family.

Got a baby:

Peter looked at her wife and her wife also knew what Peter is thinking. They adopted the baby. Peter and his wife raised the child. Also, Peter got his job back and they all lived a happy life. His son also becomes a ranger.