The surprising trend of washing hair with coke cola

Have you ever heard of using acidic soda to clean your hair? In the era of fashion, some people use Coke cola to wash their hair as a beauty hack. Hair is the beauty of every individual so every single person in the world wants beautiful thick, volume hair to look more attractive. People especially women use different machinery for straightening or curling their hair as well as they use different chemicals for dyeing, perming, and rebounding to make themselves more beautiful and attractive. which directly affects the hair volume, and texture and can be the cause of split ends, breakage, and hair fall. Propitiously we have that one black drink called coke cola which we can easily find from any shop to wash our hair with and make them more beautiful and shiny, but believing in a soda that will reform your hair shiny is itself a risk.

Ingredients of coke cola

This beverage is an acidic drink that is made up of such ingredients. By using such chemicals we have a soft drink called Coke cola which can easily be found in any shop or departmental store even can say that we can easily find it in people’s fridges. This beverage is made up of 6 ingredients by mixing them all in accurate amounts we will have our drink “coke cola”.

  • Carbonated water
  • Caffeine
  • Phosphoric acid
  • Natural flavoring
  • caramel color
  • sugar (high fructose corns syrup)

Uses of Coke cola

Coke cola is the most ordered beverage by youth, we can also say that it comes in first priority list of people. Coke cola has many uses beyond being a drink. People use it for washing their toilet seats, and crockery such as kettle, etc. you can also remove chewing gum from your hair or clothes just you have to dip that part of chewing gum into a bowl leave it for a while rub it twice and you’ll get a better result. The ingredients such as carbonated water, caffeine, phosphoric acid, caramel color, and high fructose corn syrup (sugar) all are acidic and we are not sure that is it really beneficial to drink for or to wash your hair with.

Effects hair health: pros & cons

Many vloggers and bloggers have researched on usage of coca cola and they have varying opinions about it. Some of them go with the pros, while others with the cons. Now it is the biggest question mark whether the use of cola is harmful or not. It may give you shiny hair but could not cleanse the scalp sure you must use shampoo after it otherwise it will cause dandruff and dryness. The acidic ingredients of coke cola add a texture to hair like a salty spray it may avoid patches of sugar that cause hair damage Because if we go through the vlogs and blogs about Coke cola we find it is an acidic chemical that might be harmful to human beings, let’s suppose we use cola for hair wash it seems it gives us shiny hair volume in hair but on the other hand people are complaining of dandruff and split ends after washing their hair with coke cola.

 Tips for using cola to wash your hair safely

This tip is shared by an English model Miss Waterhouse use Coke cola as her shampoo for her big thick, volume, shiny, and fine hair, we are paraphrasing if we use tips of her properly so that we can get better result as she swears that coke cola really works.

For washing your hair with coke cola some things you must have, and must follow the steps so that it will be beneficial for you, or else it is risky to wash your hair with a very acidic chemical beverage such as coke cola. 

  • Hair Comb or hair brush
  • A liter bottle of Coke cola or (1000 ml of Coke cola)
  • A mixing bowl
  • Mug
  • Towel
  • Shampoo
  • Wristwatch
  • Hair dryer

Focus on each step when you have these eight items around you.

First step: place every single item in front of you so that you will not be worried while washing your hair.

 Second step: is to comb your hair nicely.

Third step: Gathered them together

Fourth step: put the mixing bowl in front of you.

Fifth step: take some room-temperature Coke cola into a mug, chilled cola can damage your scalp directly.  saturate your hair and scalp properly.

Sixth step: saturate your hair and scalp properly.

Seventh step: Dip your hair for 5 to 10 min in a mixing bowl, and set the timer on your wrist watch after 10 min squeeze your hair properly to drop off Coke cola out of your hair.

Eight steps: tie your hair with the towel.

Ninth step: Wash your hair properly with shampoo

Tenth step: blow dry your hair with the hairdryer.  

Doing all this step by step you will definitely see a difference in the texture of your hair. However, you may or may not see the difference in volume, shine, or thickness. It depends on how you believe in this tip of washing hair with Coke cola.                                                                       

Alternative hair cleansing

Don’t you think this remedy is a very risky and crazy hack to use Coke cola has high levels of sugar which may affect your hair texture and may leave your hair sticky and freezy and it can cause damage and breakage to your hair. Do not wash your hair with Coke cola regularly because it is very risky and this acidic drink can be the reason for hair fall as well, But if you want to try this remedy you can wash your hair once in a blue moon and after washing your hair with coke cola use some healthy exercises for your hair, try to oil your hair regularly and give a proper hair massage so that it will be helpful in hair growth and a healthy diet for hair will your hair healthy and shiny.