15 natural methods to put a stop to cancer 

It’s a fact that there is no single reason why cancer occurs. Different cancers are cured by different methods of treatment. We can decrease the risk of cancer by improving our lifestyle and diet. 

By decreasing certain products, drinks habits, and addictives we can decrease the growth of most types of cancers. 

Here we are going to discuss 15 natural methods to put a stop to cancer 

 1:Limiting refined meat

Refined meat is preserved by smoking or salting and by adding chemical preservations. They include kebabs, hot dogs, bacon, and meatballs. By eating refined meat regularly it can increase your cancer risk. and giving such foods to children can put them in danger, instead of preserving meat using fresh meat is a better option. Smoked meat while being cooked also absorbs large quantities of tar which can increase the chance of stomach cancer. 

2:Sustain healthy weight 

If you are not sustaining healthy weight you are not maintaining a healthy weight there are more chances of cancer, especially breast cancer. By doing physical activities regularly and eating a proper amount of calories you can sustain a healthy weight. Quality and quantity also affect your weight. you may know what are you eating and how much you are eating.  green tea and raw vegetables contain zero calories they will be your extra cover against cancer. 

3:Eat probiotic foods

Probiotics create vitamins in our bodies. Keep us away from bad bacteria. Eating probiotic foods improves the immune system. Foods like yogurt, cottage cheese, and miso contain large amounts of probiotics. Consuming them also reduces the risk of colorectal cancer and bladder cancer. 

4: More garlic in cooking

Garlic contains a large amount of antioxidants. It also fights bad bacteria. Garlic reduces the ability of cancer. It’s available easily and it’s cheap. one can easily grow them in their gardens and use them any time they want to. Eating garlic regularly can reduce the chances of stomach cancer and colon cancer. not just for adults it can be also used for kids in different methods to prevent cancer.  

5:Keep stress away

Stress can add to cancer at some point in life. It also increased heart problems. To fight stress you can practice meditation, physical activities, a good diet, therapy, and enough sleep, and if it still does not work go for medication. but still, it is important to reduce our stress levels by keeping ourselves busy and doing things that make us feel relaxed and good to avoid cancer.

6:reduce protein

Eating a big amount of protein is not suitable for our health. But a human body needs a good amount of protein to work properly. Eating a big amount of protein causes the human body to build more insulin (GF1) growth factor .which can encourage the growth of cancer. 

7:Use sunscreen regularly

There are two types of UV radiation (UVA) and UVB). Both types of radiation can damage the skin but (UVB) can affect sunburn and cancer. Using sunblock reduces the risk of skin cancer. sunscreens are not only for outdoors they are also used indoors to protect our skin from radiation. By using sunblock you can save yourself from the deadliest cancer called Melanoma. To reduce the chances of oral cancer we can purchase (UV) sunblock balm to moisturize lips instead of regular lip moisturizer. 

8:Consume omega 3 

Omega-3 fatty acids stop cancer development and heart diseases. Omega 3s boost the immune system to fight against cancer. Natural resources of omega-3s are chia seeds, fatty fish, nuts, and soybean. Consuming Omega-3s in our daily routine diet can help reduce the chances of cancer. Omega-3s are also available in dietary supplements but the best way is from whole foods. 

9:Quit smoking

Cigarette smoking causes throat cancer and lung cancer. When cigarette smoke is inhaled more than 70 cancer-causing substances are inhaled inside your lungs which can undoubtedly cause cancer and other serious health issues. By quitting smoking we can protect our health from different diseases and cancers. 

10:Eat fresh greens

Greens are high in antioxidants which helps us to reduce the risk of cancer. They are also full of fibers which can help us in digestion and reduce the risk of colon cancer. Using greens in our diet like white cabbage, broccoli, and spinach protects us from cancer because they have anti-cancer properties. 

11:Fight chronic inflammation

Reducing inflammation in the body can decrease the risk of chronic diseases. To reduce chronic inflammation we should get enough omega-3 fatty acids like fatty fish,  chia seeds, nuts, etc. Omega 3 fatty acids reduce the intake of omega 6 fatty acids which are found in some cooking oils and processed foods. To fight chronic inflammation it’s very important to take omega 3 fatty acids in our daily diet. 

12:Cut down on saturated fats

One of the best ways to reduce the risk of cancer is to cut down on saturated fats. To avoid breast, colon, and prostate cancer, we should reduce saturated fats. Foods like cheese, fatty meat, butter, and pastries contain big amounts of saturated fats. We should avoid these kinds of foods and prefer healthier types of fats like olive oil and nuts. Regular use of saturated fats doubles the risk of breast cancer in women. 

13:Choose drinks rich in antioxidants

Beverages like green tea, and pomegranate juice are rich in antioxidants which help us to reduce the chances of cancer. Research shows pomegranate juice slowed prostate cancer cell growth. Antioxidant beverages reduce the risk of breast cancer. 

14:Add flax seeds to your meals

Flax seed is not the tastiest seed. They contain omega-3 fatty acids which contain anti-cancer properties. They are good sources of fiber and are easily available and cheaper. One teaspoon of flax seeds daily improves our health and promotes healthy digestion. Flax seeds can reduce the risk of colon, breast, and prostate cancer. Study shows women who ate flax seeds had an 18 percent lower chance of breast cancer. 

15:Swap alcohol for exercise 

Research has shown that drinking excessive amounts of alcohol is injurious to health. You can not add alcohol on a regular base to your diet. It causes cancer and it is not a healthy diet habit, no one of us would like to catch such serious health problems. So switching alcohol with exercise is a better option to prevent this serious disease. Instead of drinking alcohol we can take a break from our busy life and go for a walk which in return will give us a good mood and a healthy life. In short, we can say that maintaining a healthy life with a good diet and exercise is better than any kind of illness.

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