A study from the English royal horticultural society has found having dead and dying plants in your home affects mental health issues. It can also increase your stress.

healthy plants in your room oxygenate your space and absorb carbon dioxide. healthy plants can also make your mood good and fresh but having a dead plant can depress you

Taking care of plants is very important as we take care of ourselves because having healthy plants can help us to make a good indoor environment. They can feel good to touch and fragrant to the eyes, watering the plants and changing or cleaning the soil is key to getting fresh and healthy plants. however some people think that overwatering can bring freshness to the plants but it is wrong, it can cause harm to them and because of overwatering the plants can die.

We can also use healthy plants to decorate homes or offices. Surrounding ourselves with greenery calmed us down and energetic. there comes a question of how to take care of our plants indoors. well, it’s simple and easy you have to check the roots and cut the dying stem and leaves. put the flower pot in a place where the plants can get proper sunlight.


Featuring brown color plants could increase feelings of sadness or depression.

Green plants improve mood and reduce stress.

Bright color plants and flowers can help to elevate your mood and make you feel relaxed

Red plants can energize your mood

Blue plants can be Calming

Yellow plants can be uplifting

Purples plants can be soothing

Pink plants can be romantic like roses, carnations, and tulips.

White plants can be peaceful

Orange plants can be invigorating

Black plants can be dramatic

Silver plants can be elegant

How sick plants can affect your Health

If the plant is infected with the pathogen the virus or bacteria could spread to humans and cause illness. Sick plants can also affect your skin and cause allergies problem. fresh plants make you forget about your worries and you start enjoying the moment not thinking about the problems and negativities, on the other side if you visit any place where sick and dying plants are showcased you’ll definitely feel upset and down.

sick and dying plants can also produce harmful chemicals that can also cause problems if ingested or touched. The research found that sick and dying plants should be removed from your homes and workplaces to avoid the negative impact.

How to choose a plant

Research has shown that choosing house plant appearance is very important.

Plants that we find interesting and attractive give us the biggest well-being boost and they will bring a healthy feeling to the indoor environment. And if you enjoy gardening and planting indoors the main reason that your plants are fresh and healthy is you are taking good care of them.

How to protect plants from dying

We can choose plants that are suitable to our climate and make sure they are getting enough water and sunlight and we can also check out diseases and pests and remove any damage and dead leaves. it is also important that we are planting them at the right time of year additionally we can use organic fertilizers to protect them from dying and promote healthy growth. as well as we can read proper guidelines about taking care of our plants.

Facts about horses:

People used to say that horses hold a strong sixth sense and feel the situation and things that humans and other animals are not able to do. They can sense emotions and sense the out-of-sight and uncover things. This is not proven, but there are some sensational horses. Like Keola, Keola is the horse who starts reacting weirdly and strangely when her landlady gets pregnant.

Jolene Jonas and Ricky:

An English lady, named “Jolene Jonas” experienced some suspicious and weird things during her pregnancy. Jolene Jonas and her husband were trying hard for Jolene’s pregnancy but every time they failed this time when Jolene found out that she is pregnant she and her husband became super happy. This was like a magic or miracle for them. They were so overpowered and full of joy. They were still amazed by this beautiful news. Everyone was happy and excited but not one member. Keola, their horse.

Suspicious acts by Keola:

As Jolene’s pregnancy continues, Keola, the horse starts acting more suspicious, weird, and strange. Keola randomly starts licking and hugging her owner’s belly. The couple, Jolene and Ricky don’t have any idea what is happening and how to react to those suspicious acts. So they start ignoring Keola’s weird acts. They don’t even notice and realized what the horse wanted and tried to tell them.

Pregnancy check-up:

When Jolene found that she is pregnant. She contacts a doctor and makes her appointment, when she met the doctor, the doctor gives her a few tests and said wait for reports. Jolene and her husband Ricky both were tense at the same time and also curious about the result of the reports. A few days later they got the reports and everything was clear. The doctor told them not to worry about anything, everything is fine and to come back in your 8th week so that I have to do an ultrasound of yours. She, Jolene came back when it was her 8th week and the doctor did her ultrasound again everything was fine and now this time doctor told Jolene to come when it’s her 25th week.

25 weeks of pregnancy:

The pregnancy was going well and Jolene was also healthy until it came the 25th week of pregnancy. Then Jolene starts complaining about her back pain. one day Jolene feels a sudden and high-level pain in her back it was so painful for Jolene. It was an extreme level of pain that she was not even able to walk. Ricky walked in a hurry to take Jolene to the hospital, it was their bad luck that they stuck in traffic. However, Ricky used his brain and called an ambulance. The ambulance arrived and they took Jolene to the hospital in a hurry and start searching for the doctor who gave her the date of an ultrasound.

The reaction of Doctor:

In this situation, Jolene was going through extreme pain and Ricky was so upset and thinking about Jolene and the baby, also it was his first time so he don’t have any experience of what to do. He was so nervous, upset, and worried at the same time and in this situation, he was walking through hospital corridors. When the doctor came with the reports of ultrasound in his hand and was shocked. In that case, he direct called the police. It was also surprising for Ricky why did the doctor call the police. He wanted to talk with the doctor that why did he do that but the doctor was not giving a single response to Ricky. Ricky became frustrated and start shouting in the hospital. It was not Ricky’s fault he was tense, worried, nervous, shocked, surprised, and also scared. In that situation, Jolene was going through extreme pain and also worried about her husband that why the doctor called the police.

When the police arrived:

Police came and go to ask for the doctor who called them. There was a little discussion between the police and the doctor, Ricky who was frustrated was standing outside of the doctor’s room and was curious that what was happening. However, the police and doctor came out from the doctor’s room and starts their investigation with Ricky, they asked so many personal questions like where Jolene and Ricky met the first time and some questions about Jolene’s pregnancy. Ricky became angry and in anger he used some harsh words with the police that he gonna regret. The police took Ricky to the police station with them. And asked those questions again but this time Ricky gave them detailed answers.

How they came to this point:

Let’s go back to Jolene and Ricky’s past. They have been together since they were 16. Like all the relationships, their relationship was also not perfect. But something always used to bother Jolene, Ricky felt this since their first date.

Ricky’s past:

Even in years of relationship. Ricky still used to be secretive about his past. His behavior started to bother Jolene. Ricky wanted to explain that he didn’t have a family but it was so hurtful to talk about. But at the same time, it was so sad that he didn’t share his past with his partner Jolene. Then Ricky said he just want to forget about all this.

 Ten years of partnership:

Jolen just has to accept the reality that Ricky is just the way he is and she can’t force him to open up because she doesn’t want to discomfort her partner. Also, she has to be careful to talk about his past because maybe this should affect their relationship. Also in ten years of a relationship, she didn’t see any bad habits and a wrong activity in Ricky. Both know everything about each other and also loved so they decided to start a happy life and get married. Jolene was excited and curious to meet Ricky’s family members. But no member of Ricky’s family came to the wedding .

Trying for pregnancy:

After marriage like every couple, they also wanted a baby to complete their family. They tried but every time they get disappointed after months of tries they decided to go to see a doctor and get some help. The doctor gives them some tests to do and told them to come back after a few days so that he can give them the results. that was so shocking for Jolene. Ricky just invited his friends and Jolene was disappointed. Jolene accepts the reality that she never gonna get a chance to meet Ricky’s family. However, the wedding continued and they started their married life.

Good news on the way:

As the doctor said there is nothing to worry about. The doctor admitted that everything is perfectly fine and also you both are healthy and there is nothing that stops you from make a baby. As time passes, a week later Jolene became pregnant. Everyone was so happy and excited. But not everyone there was one family member who was not happy.

Changes in Keolas’s behavior:

Keola started hugging Jolene aggressively whenever he saw her tummy. The couple was so confused that why their horse is acting so weird. They took their horse to the vet that maybe there is something wrong with Keola. But there was nothing wrong with their horse and he was totally fine. Day by day Keola was getting weirder and more suspicious. Jolene was worried about Keola’s behavior she start searching on Google about her horse-changing behavior. When she gets to know about koalas behavior. She became scared. She didn’t discuss this with her husband. And starts ignoring everything.

Results of Google research:

According to Google research, that means there is a problem with her baby. Jolene was scared but she don’t want to scare her husband with this Google research. She was scared and don’t have any idea what to do so she decided to go to her mother. Her mother told her that this is not alone for her baby but also for Ricky’s so the decision she makes should be theirs not only joined. So she decided to talk with her husband about this situation.

Discussion with Ricky:

Finally, Jolene discussed this situation with her husband and they both decided to visit the doctor again. This time Jolene was 18th weeks pregnant, doctor did the checkup and told her there is nothing to worry about. Also admitted coming when it’s your 25th week of pregnancy so that I can do a new ultrasound. Also calms Jolene that she and her baby both are healthy and fine but don’t take the stress. Jolene and Ricky start thinking that maybe there is nothing but they are overreacting.

Extreme back pain:

It was Jolene’s 23rd week of pregnancy. She starts complaining about her back pain. When its almost her 24th week of pregnancy her condition was extremely bad her back pain level was so high. Even she admitted that she felt like she is giving birth. This was a panicky situation for Ricky. In a hurry, she took Jolene to the hospital. But this was a bad day for this couple so they were stuck in traffic. But then Ricky got the idea to call the ambulance. And they finally took Jolene to the hospital. The doctor in a hurry did the ultrasound but when the doctor saw the results of the ultrasound he was shocked and told the unexpected sentence. “call the police” This sentence shocked Jolene and Ricky.

Why did the doctor involve the police:

Of course, the couple was surprised. Why the doctor is involving the police? What was in the reports? Why the doctor is saying nothing to us? The couple became angry, they were not able to control their emotions. Just a few moments later the police arrived at the hospital. And they wanted to ask some questions.


Starting the questions was easy. Like, where they are from? What’s their relation? Some questions to understand the well. But something starts happening weirdly when they want to know about the pregnancy. They also asked where the couple were in the last few weeks. And where they stayed? It was just a weird situation for them Ricky became so angry, for asking this kind of personal question.

The explosion from Ricky:

 During the investigation, Ricky told something that he regretted. Of course, Ricky was mentally upset so he told the police “Go and do your work, and don’t disturb us leave us alone please”. But the police reaction was not polite they took Ricky with them to the station for more questions. Of course, Ricky doesn’t wanna leave her pregnant wife alone at the hospital. But he has no other option. Her wife was also stressed and was in extreme pain. This was so tough for this couple. At this moment the doctor said something really scary to Jolene and she became sad upset and frustrated.

Accept or refuse the surgery:

The doctor told Jolene that they have to do the surgery for the safety of the baby. She has a choice to agree or refuse the surgery. This situation was so traumatizing for Jolene. She didn’t even come out from the trauma of her husband the police took her husband with them. But she didn’t take too much time for the decision she agreed to surgery. Because her baby’s safety is her priority.

Ricky in the police station:

When they took Jolene to the surgery room Ricky was in the police station. The police asked so many personal questions. At the moment nothing was happening but just Ricky becoming angry. He just wanted to be with her wife as soon as possible so he patiently answered the questions. The police finally explained a little bit to Ricky about the whole situation.

Five criminals:

The police took Ricky to recognize the face he know. And it was so surprising for Ricky that he knew one face. It was their doctor whom they always go for an ultrasound. Ricky was so confused that what is happening, then the police starts explaining the whole situation.

Illegal medical chip:

The doctor puts a medical chip inside Jolene which is registered by the name of Ricky. This chip is used for pregnant ladies they put it on their tummy so that whenever the woman needs any kinda medication this chip will provide it. But this chip was declared illegal in the united states.

Back to the hospital:

The police solved the situation and Ricky wanted to go back to the hospital to see her wife. The police dropped Ricky to the hospital. But he didn’t see her wife, only his doctor. The doctor told Ricky that they are doing his wife’s surgery. Ricky still doesn’t know whether their baby was okay or not.

It’s all good:

A few moments later, the doctor came to Ricky and told him that his wife and baby both are safe. And the chip is out from her tummy and the back pain was due to this chip. All is good. Now come back 15 weeks later for your delivery.

The happy ending:

After 15 weeks, Jolene gave birth to their daughter, named Guilia. Also, this couple now has an exciting and adventurous story to tell their daughter in the future. This was the lesson for the couple that now they never doubt the bodements of Keola. However, Keola proved that he is a special and unique horse. in the end, they all lived happily.

Every one of us has seen planes flying toward their destinations. Similarly, we have seen the birds migrating every year in flocks. But have you ever heard of or seen birds chasing the aircraft for a long time and refusing to leave the plane alone? This sounds scary right, Jason the pilot was flying the aircraft as generally as he did every day. It was a typical day for him sitting on the plane and performing his duty all of a sudden he heard a banging sound. What was that? 

Jason looked at his co-pilot, both were searching for answers. The crew member came and gave them the bad news. Jason and his co-pilot wheezed.

Massive Flock Of Birds

Jason was puzzled about what was going on, he and his co-pilot were trying to figure out why the birds were chasing them. Jason tried to shake the birds away but it didn’t work. This aggressive flock of birds was not willing to leave the jet alone. They kept attacking and things started getting worse. 


Shaking the birds could be dangerous and it was already not working. The birds were getting aggressive. If any bird hits the engine it may cause a massive disaster. There were so many birds the crew members were trying their best to eliminate them without any loss. 

Bothered Passengers

The passengers become disturbed by this situation and they start asking questions about the situation with the crew members. Every single one on the plane was worried, annoyed, and upset. Jason tried to cheer them up by conforming that everything was perfectly normal and under control. 

Calling For  Aid 

Jason sensed the danger and called flight control for help. He was scared the birds might crash his plane. Passengers were getting out of control; they were shouting and asking for immediate help. Jason was waiting for the control room to answer. There were so many covering the windows of the plane. One could hardly watch outside and all of this was scary and alarming. Some of the passengers were crying, some were praying, sitting frozen squeezing their eyes shut. 

Flight Control

The co-pilot  Jimmy informed Jason that the flight control was not answering them. This news alerted Jason and his crew members. Shaking the birds was not a great idea now they needed to do something quick to escape these worse circumstances. They kept trying to contact the control room. The crew members were asked to help and calm the passengers. 

Difficult To Fly

The population of birds was growing very fast. Jason tries to fly high to get rid of these aggressive birds but this act could be harmful and dangerous. The passengers were terrified, and this situation pressured Jason to decide. The birds were navigating the plane downward. When Jimmy the co-pilot of Jason saw the building coming near to them he gasped out of fear. 

Hovering Above The City 

The plane was dangerously hovering above the city and they saw the buildings coming near to them. The cabin crew was trying hard to control the situation by engaging the passengers. But it wasn’t working for long. They were trying to make the passengers calm. But it is something natural that a person gets scared in such a situation. The altitude was unsafe for them to fly. Miraculously Jimmy connected with the control room and they guided him to take a turn to the countryside airport for an emergency landing. 

An Emergency Landing 

Without wasting more time Jimmy took a U-turn for an emergency landing at a small airport nearby. The rescue workers were on their way. Janson wanted to take every move very carefully without harming the passengers and the birds.  But during taking a turn they hit some of the birds which worsened the situation. The birds became more aggressive and started banging on the windows. Anyway, when they left the city, more birds were waiting for them. The crew knew it could turn into a massive disaster.  

Closer To The Engine 

Swarms of birds surrounded the airplane. They were getting closer to the engine. Jason knew this wasn’t a good sign. They could damage the machine which can cause a terrible disaster. Jason aimed to get to the strip in his sights when he heard a loud bang. 

The plane began shaking and it was hard to control it.  Unfortunately, The engine burst into flames and it was clearly visible to passengers. They were losing altitude. Passengers started screaming, everyone wanted to be safe and escape this as soon as possible. 

The Quick Decision 

Jason couldn’t wait for long. He had to make a quick decision. Jason’s heart was beating fast; their plane was falling too fast from the sky. He wanted his co-workers

 and his passengers to be safe. His decision could either save or destroy everything. The birds didn’t leave them at all. Because this was an unexpected situation and Jason wasn’t ready for it, he had to make a decision that could save them. He saw something down there. It was a lake and he sensed he could make it. Although it was their last chance to be alive and landing a plane on the water was not an easy task for them, landing on the ground could be more alarming and can crash the aircraft.   He had never done this before. 

The Water Landing 

Everyone was told to stay calm and help each other. Jason was taking the risk and was trying to fly the plane on the water for a safe landing. The plane was shattering because there was no cushioning for fall. It wasn’t a soft landing. His priority was to make sure everyone was safe. 

Suddenly he heard someone screaming. The scream was from the passengers. They were scared and screaming. He went to them and found them in distress, shock, and dread. 

Move Out Of The Aircraft 

Maintaining calmness was not easy for crew members but they did their best to control their composure. The birds were still swarming around the plane. Now it became more stressful to open the aircraft doors. The door was stuck. Jason tried his best to open it but nothing worked. They could not stay inside any longer. The plane was sinking. The crew was curious about what might happen if they opened the doors. One of the flight attendants got one exit open. It was emotionally stressful for everyone to stay calm but some passengers were in a hurry without caring for anyone. 

Coast Guard Aid

People who were rushing to jump out of the plane regretted it as the birds were attacking them.

But still, they managed to dive into the water. The plane was gradually sinking. They noticed that the birds were so aggressively coming toward the baggage room, what was inside? 

Finally, the coast guard arrived to rescue everyone. when Jason was getting out of the plane. The plane finally sank into the water. They ensured that every passenger and crew member was out of the plane before it sank into the water. Everyone was pointing to the ruin of the plane. 

Birds Circling Around

The birds were cycling around the aircraft and the people were curious to know the reason. More boats of coast guard aid were coming toward them. The birds endlessly circling around the plane make the people more frustrated to know the reason why they gathered around the plane. 

The coast guards try to investigate the situation. Jason warned them not to go near the birds. As the sailors approached the plane the birds were attacking them. That was enough to make the sailors abandon their ships in terror. It was a long swim back to the other boats, but they made it. Nobody on board was able to figure out what was on board the aircraft. 

The Attempt To Scare The Birds 

To find out what is inside the aircraft it was the first step to pull the plane out of the water and make the birds go. The heavy-duty tug ships were on the way to rescue and pull the plane out. 

All the people were rescued from the shore by the rescue team. This strategy was made to find out the reasons and save everyone from the disaster. The rescue members inform the new team about the birds and warn them to take precautions before going near them. The sky was covered with birds. It wasn’t an easy task for them to go near the birds. They knew they had to wait because of this, so they phoned for backup. This was feasible for them. 

Birds Swarm On The Crew

The birds were flying on them consistently. It seems like they are checking for something inside the plane. All this made Jason think about what could be the reason for the birds to behave like this. But they had no clue yet, the coast guards were investigating the reason behind these aggressive birds. They were trying to approach the jet but the birds were not letting them come closer. They tried so many times and this time when they approached the birds crowded the ship they were lucky to save their lives as they went inside the door. 

Order By Jason To The Coast Guards

Jason was watching all of the activity then he came up with a solution. During his studies, he learned that to chase the birds away the airport uses loud sounds or noises to scare them. The rescue members reacted quickly by blasting their speakers loudly. Then  something happened, 

The birds were scared by that loud sound and they went back to the woods. They did not stop the sound, the birds might return if it stops. This was a golden opportunity for them to pull the jet out of the water and investigate. The coast guards and the team were directing each other to pull the plane out.  Fortunately, the plan was working and they were trying hard to put the jet out. All of this was happening when the cops arrived. 

Officials Interrogating Jason 

The officers were asking questions from Jason as he was the first person to be investigated about the situation. He told them it was a routine trip and nothing like this happened to him before, the cops then started investigating the baggage. All the passengers were cooperating with them regarding their belongings. There was an exception, the cops had to pull one individual aside. This traveler was suspicious.

More Inquiries 

The man was suspicious he was avoiding every question that they asked him about his belongings. The cops started inquiring about his past and checking his criminal records. When they checked his passport, it revealed that his passport was fake. This was something really alarming to everyone. The guy was just released from prison and all his previous files were closed. 

They were collecting more data about him. Finding the connection between him with the strange bird’s behavior. The aircraft was lifted off the sea successfully. 

Strange Voice Coming From Bags  

When the birds noticed the sound was far away from them so they gathered together without any delay. The authorities noticed they were entering the baggage area.  The team diverted the birds away from the jet and managed to enter the jet, it was badly damaged and its door was locked. But with the help of equipment and tools, they opened the doors. After entering the baggage room they heard a strange noise. Those voices were coming from a bag, but which one? The rescue team was trying to find that bag, finally, they identified the bag from which voices were coming. 

Doubtful Passenger Arrested 

Everyone in the room was shocked after watching what was inside the bag. The cops checked the name on the bags which matched with the passport of that suspicious traveler. They rapidly call the authorities for the arrest of that person without any waste of time. When Jason came near the bags to see what’s inside he became horrified after discovering what was in the bag. 

Illegally Trading Of Rare Birds 

The man was arrested on the spot because he was caught red-handed smuggling the rare species of birds. Contacting further authorities they came to know that he was involved in smuggling those exotic birds without any legal documents or permission. He had been arrested before for attempting to smuggle exotic animals, and after getting free he resumed his life as it was before. Jason began to cry after watching this. 

Finally Arrested And Charged 

The man was arrested for what he had done with the innocent birds as well as putting all the crew members’ and passengers’ lives in danger. He would never be free to go again, he was charged for his actions and sentenced to reverberation that would make sure that he would not do any harm to anyone again. The passenger’s safety was also considered as a main reason to charge against him. The exotic birds were begging for aid. 

Jason was so happy after hearing the conclusion of the trial, he was thankful that his passengers and crew members were safe and alive. 

The story will give you goosebumps.  It’s all about bravery.

It was an average start to the day for James. He was going to school

Suddenly he heard a voice coming from the river nearby. 

But what was that?

The boy quickens his footsteps towards the river. He saw a dog struggling for his Life.

James wanted to help the dog. He jumped into the river without any hesitation and pulled him out of the River. The Dog was exhausted. It was a challenging task for James to free him. He was stuck in the river branches. The dog was looking at James. He was in pain and weak. As the dog comes out of the river, he refuses to move. 

James wanted to know what was wrong with the dog.

He looked at the dog and noticed something odd. The unusual and weird stains 

on his belly. James wanted to check what those stains were as he has never seen something like this before. but he was anxious And fearful that something bad will happen to him if he gets near the dog.

 Boy’s Settlement

James decided to take him home and help the gentle dog. As he took him home, James started 

Cleaning the stains, he thought washing them would be effective. But he was wrong the stains

would not have vanished.

Worried James 

James becomes worried about it. He starts searching for it on the internet. The answers were not satisfying him. He was searching for a long period.

When the boy’s parents arrived home. They saw the dog laying on the bed next to James.

His parents were not happy when they saw the dog in their home. His parents asked James

About the dog. They become annoyed by the presence of this dog in their house. 

Filthy Dog 

The boy thinks he saved the dog, but his parents have not wanted a dog in this condition in their house. He was looking sick and filthy. They just didn’t want him inside their home. James was worried and helpless as he didn’t want to put him back on the street in this bad condition.

Helping the Dog

After watching his parent’s reaction. James starts begging in front of them. He described how he saved the helpless dog. No one was there to help him except James and it was okay to keep him. 

James’ parents noticed his attachment and allowed him to help the dog.

James and his parents went searching on the internet. But they find nothing similar to the condition of the dog. Then they decided to take him to the vet and let him check

Rushing to the vet 

James’  father Rick was driving at speed because the dog was in unbearable pain and before the Conditions got worse and they wanted to reach there quickly. What was wrong with the dog?

As soon as they arrived, the vet assistant told them to get an appointment. James’ father 

explained the condition of the dog. The assistant noticed the unusual stains on the dog.

She immediately called the vet because there was an urgency.

Immediate help needed 

The vet saw the dog and asked James where the dog came from. James 

explained to him where he found the dog. The vet begins his tests on the dog.

After years of helping dogs the experienced vet inform James that the results

Can be bad and disturbing because, in his entire career, he had never seen something like this before.

More examinations

After further tests, the vet couldn’t find out what was the reason behind these painful stains.

He told James and his parents that they will do some exceptional examinations to find out what the dog was suffering from. 

After some special examinations, the vet told the boy and his parents the results should take three to four days to return. Until then the dog was staying in the lab. According to the vet he was not allowed to leave the clinic lab. 

Lab Results

Rick and his son were a bit confused as to why the vet is not allowing the dog to go home with them. But still, they had to accept the vet’s request. A few days later the vet called Rick and told them to visit the lab for test results. Rick told his wife Emma to pick up James from the school they needed to go immediately to the vet. his wife becomes frightened, why do all of them have to go urgently to the vet?

When they arrived the vet told them there was a serious problem. 

Some weird Questions 

Instead of letting them know about the results, the vet was asking weird questions from them. 

He was asking James where he found the dog, and in the end, the vet told him they had to call the police if he didn’t cooperate with them.

No one believed James he was telling the truth to them. Even so, the vet calls the police. 

James was terrified of all this and wanted to know why this was happening to him. What was his fault? 

To the police station 

Police arrived and they took James with them to the police station. His parents were crying and requesting the police not to arrest James. They told them he was just a 10-year-old boy who wanted to help a needy dog and it was not a crime.

James Got Arrested 

James’ parents couldn’t save him by being arrested. Police took him in their car. James was scared of being arrested and was still not aware of what was his mistake. He was looking at his parents while sitting in the car. His parents were crying and begging but couldn’t do anything for James. 

Sitting in the police car was the first-ever experience he was noticing each and everything inside the car but at the same time he was frightened, he wanted to go back to his parents but he couldn’t. James started asking questions from the police officers about being arrested but he got no answers from any of them.

Interrogation room  

The police were treating James as a criminal and they put him in the interrogation room. There were a lot of questions coming into James’ mind but he was helpless sitting in the horrifying dark room. This was a spine-chilling experience for a ten-year-old boy, who did nothing but helped a poor dog. 

James’ Explanation

A police officer entered the interrogation room and started asking questions about the dog. He was repeating the questions, again and again, to James about where he found the dog and how long the dog was with him. James was already in stress and he explained he found the dog way back from school to home and he had not seen him before. The officer wanted to know about the connection between James and the dog. And James was giving the same answer over 100 times. 

Argumentative Questioning 

The officer was so aggressive and his questions were making James more nervous and scared. 

Another police officer noticed that James was not the suspect and decided to tell James about the scary truth behind the condition of the dog and why they were interrogating him about it. James was shocked to know about the reason for those painful stains on the dog. 

Fighting Dogs 

James came to know that in the past few months, the police found a lot of dogs suffering from the same condition. They were drugged to become fighting dogs. The substance which they were fed was making them sick and most of them lost their lives. 

Drugging the poor animals and forcing them to fight was a serious issue that must be solved. Police were searching for the connections. This case turned very challenging for the investigation team and after months of searching police found their first clue. 

Criminal Structuring 

After months of searching for the criminal organization who were torturing and killing the poor animals, police found a suspect, Cray Jhonson.   

Criminal Evidence

The main character of this gang was a man named Cray Johnson. He was the culprit and a well-known member of the underworld known as crazy johnson. He was involved in many other crimes and the people of the city were frightened of him.

The police officers strongly doubt that Cray Johnson was behind all the drugged dogs but they had no evidence against him and his gang. This dog was the only one who was found alive in 

this condition, so it may help the police to get the evidence against Cray Johnson. 

James’ Plan

James was shocked to hear about Cray Johnson and how he could treat the lovely creatures like this. James came up with a plan the officers liked and decided to follow it anyway.

The plan was to leave the dog near that criminal organization zone with a GPS tracker they wanted to captivate Crazy johnson. He will pick the dog and take it back to fight. This will be the best lineup to catch them in the act with evidence. 

Plan Into Action

They started working on the plan and prepared the dog with a GPS tracker which was then dropped near the hood of Cray Johnson, also known as crazy johnson. The police officers were waiting for Cray’s companions to notice the dog and take him back to their place.

The police were waiting outside for someone to come and notice the dog and take him with them but for a few hours, nothing happened. Suddenly they noticed Cray coming out and he saw the dog, he was upset to see him but he came and took the dog inside. Now the police were waiting to see if he would take the dog with him to the fight or not. 

GPS Tracker 

After a long wait police saw some movements in the GPS tracker. It went through many locations few of which were familiar to police officers but one location was new and they wanted to know that place. Police decided to follow him as they were worried he might change the location, so they followed them and were shocked when they arrived there

At The Scene

When they arrived at the location following the tracker they were shocked because there was no fight. Instead, cray was talking to someone in the car with the dog and he was making a deal with him. Police officers decided to take action.

Drug Dealing 

Cray was involved in drug dealing and police arrested him with evidence. They wanted to know about the drug-dealing organization. Cray was arrested they brought him to the police station for investigations. Police started questioning about the dog fighting events. Cray was not willing to answer any questions. But the police pressured him so he started to answer.

But before he would answer any question Cray puts a condition for reducing punishment  and 

Police agreed to him so he told them about each and everything related to the dog fighting gang. 

Police Raid 

The police were waiting a long time for this day to arrest those criminals who were drugging and torturing poor animals. The officers’ team got ready for the raid on those culprits. A large number of police officers were part of this operation. 50 plus of the dog fighting group members were being arrested. 

Rescued dogs 

In all of this chaos where were dogs and in what condition they were? The police were desperately searching for the trapped dogs and they rescued more than a hundred dogs. All of them needed medical treatment because they were not in good condition. The drugs and wounds they got during the fight needed to be healed. The police took them to the vet now it was his job to give them good treatment and care. 

Among all of these dogs James’ dog got some special attention from everyone because of him they rescued other needy dogs. 

Police at the door 

A few days later the doorbell rang. When James opens the door the police were standing there, they told James they had a surprise for him. A healthy and smiling dog was standing just in front of James. He recognized the dog. It was the one he found trapped in the river.

James was happy to see the dog healthy and his parents were proud of their brave son. 

There are plenty of people who love animals. they foster and rescue animals, mostly dogs.
dogs living in the shelters are waiting for persons who would love them and bring them to
their homes.

Animal lovers

Mariesa and chris are one of those couples who are dog lovers. They have an endless
love for pit bulls especially. This couple had adopted more than 10 dogs. They wanted to be aware
people about this breed so both of them decided to visit a dog shelter near them.


An animal shelter, is a place where temporary protection is given to animals from
unpleasant environments, Mainly dogs and cats.
lots of dogs and cats living in the shelter places.

pit bulls are the breed that people normally abominate
them because of their appearance. the big head
and heavy body make them look dangerous. In
the shelter where the couple visited for Awareness
purposes most of the dogs were pit bulls.

Dog parents
both of them already were proud dog parents. they wanted
to teach people not to hate them. they wanted to
tell them how adorable pit bulls really are.
their love for pits was extreme.

Something peculiar
when they entered the shelter, they were feeling
happy to visit and meet their four-legged innocent
friends. but mariesa noticed something really odd.
what was that?

Couple’s decision
in the shelter, they wanted to bring all of them
home but it was not possible .mariesa was falling
apart as she walked through the shelter.
the couple decided to adopt just one dog. although
it was definitely a tough choice.

Sad dog
mariesa observed a sad dog in the corner of the hall.
she was sitting quietly. the dog was a pit bull and mariesa
love for pit bulldogs was beyond the limits, she and
her husband chris decided to take her home.
her name was storie.

a pit bull dog was one of those dogs
living her life in the shelter home.
but what was wrong with her? why was she sad?
her body was looking abnormally heavy. they asked
the staff about storie. staff told them she was pregnant
and is not giving birth to her puppies. mariesa
could not understand the problem at first.

In Need of Aid,
the couple decided to take her home , because they
wanted to help her to give birth. chris was curious
about what was wrong, and why the dog was refusing to give birth.
they were worried that labor delays can make
the situation worst. after watching her condition
they wanted to cry. What was bothering them?

they wanted to know the purpose that why the
pit is not giving birth, and why is she delaying her labor.
both of them come to know that she was under stress,
her mental health was not allowing her to give
birth in the shelter home.

after going to the clinic the vet told them they
needed to perform an ultrasound .because it was
tough for her to diagnose what actually the matter
was, something odd was happening to the pit bull storie.
the vet told them she was not expecting six puppies,
instead, she was expecting twelve. which amazed all
of them.

the home sweet home
they took storie home, and made separate spaces
for her. mariesa wanted her to deliver her puppies
in a peaceful environment. because she was already
in stress and she wanted a place where her
puppies will be safe and loved.

mariesa decorated the room for her with some
comfortable pillows and blankets. because she
noticed that in this critical condition where
delaying labor can be dangerous for storie and
her puppies. she might lose her
babies. they wanted storie to feel protected and

good news
they did their best for storie to feel pleasant
and when they woke up in the morning, a miracle
happened. storie gave birth to her cute little
twelve puppies. the way storie was licking her
puppies was so adorable, she was licking them from
head to toe, and she was playing with them all day long.

the couple realized that the shelter homes
are not a safe and comfortable place for them
to deliver their puppies. As human beings animals
can also be in stress and they too need a place
where they feel safe and comfortable. after the
puppies were born everyone wanted to adopt them.
one by one all of the twelve puppies were
adopted by different
families and they were all happy and safe.

perfect friend

the mother’s story was strong. she gave birth to twelve
puppies and all of them were healthy.
storie found a new home and a new friend, who was willing to
take good care of her and give her attention and
love. stories was a perfect mom and a loyal
friend. She proved it when she went to her new place
and joined a new family.

people like Chris and Mariesa are the true examples
of how to love and protect animals. to take steps
for them as soon as possible.
we all need to help animals living in shelters. donate for them
foster or adopt such animals from
shelters and provide them with the place they deserve.
spreading information about these amazing animals
telling people to love and support them can improve
a lot. the most important part of this article
is that a mother whether animal or human being is
consistently worried for her little ones.
storie was in stress and wanted a place where
she can comfortably give birth to her puppies.
a friendly and peaceful environment with caring
people around her helped her to let her puppies
come out into this world which wasn’t possible without
the help of Chris and Marissa.